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tropical disease中文是什么意思

用"tropical disease"造句"tropical disease"怎么读"tropical disease" in a sentence


  • 热带病
  • 热带疾病


  • New from the world of tropical diseases research
  • Journal of tropical diseases and parasitology
  • Application of web - based information for the research of tropical diseases
  • Malaria ( special programme for research and training in tropical diseases , tdr )
    疟疾(热带病研究和培训特别规划, tdr ) -英文
  • Compounding its agricultural woes , africa bears an overwhelming burden of tropical diseases
  • Conclusion the society should pay attention to the needs of the public and provide them suitable health education , consulting and services on the tropical diseases
  • The levels of understanding of most tropical diseases among the college - educated and lower - educated groups showed remarkably different ( p < 0 . 05 ) ; but no significant different between the 20 - 39 age group and other age groups
    调查人群中有291 ( 69 % )人不了解也不知道北京热带医学研究所是专看热带病的医院。
  • Objective to investigate the tropical diseases knowledge among the people and their demand for the health education on tropical diseases in beijing , and find the best mode of education and service for the health education on tropical diseases
  • Results among all the 11 kinds of common tropical diseases in the questionnaire , the diseases that the people more familiar with were guangzhou angiostrongylus disease , leprosy , malaria , dengue fever , and schistosomiasis
    结果对问卷所列11种常见热带病认知程度较高的是:广州管圆线虫病、麻风病、疟疾、登革热、血吸虫病,但最高认知度也只达到所调查人群的50 % 。
  • A warmer climate could lead to rising sea levels , the spread of tropical diseases in previously temperate climes , crop failures in some regions and the extinction of many plant and animal species , especially those in polar or alpine areas
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"tropical disease"造句  


Tropical diseases are diseases that are prevalent in or unique to tropical and subtropical regions. The diseases are less prevalent in temperate climates, due in part to the occurrence of a cold season, which controls the insect population by forcing hibernation.
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